Thursday, May 9, 2024

Two Community Newspapers


This year’s order of maple syrup came recently. I order it directly from the producer in Newport, Vermont, as I have for many years, and my mother before me. When I unpacked the shipping box I took out the Newport Daily Express, wadded up to prevent shifting. It was from a Tuesday, and it was ten informative pages. That caught my attention, published in a town with just over 4000 residents. With a few keystrokes I learned that the primary service area, Orleans County, has a population of 27,500, and this apparently thriving daily print edition of a community newspaper serves 3,000 subscribers. Contrast that with the fragile bones of Savannah Morning News in Chatham County with a population of 303,000, where daily print circulation has been in decline since at least 2006, and as of 2022 stood at under 17,000 (10.9% vs. 5.6%). On a hunch I did a dive into the demographics of the two counties looking for answers.              

Other than the obvious differences in population everything else was close except one major factor. In terms of high school education, they are identical. Chatham has a greater percentage of college educated residents, and they are similar regarding households with computers, access to broadband, and household income. The exception was race. Orleans County, Vermont is 96% white and Chatham County, Georgia is 52% white. The difference has to be cultural.

 Another dive took me to the pages of ETS (formerly Educational Testing Service) where a study commissioned in 1972 on reading differences between blacks and whites revealed that blacks read significantly less of all printed material, particularly newspapers, at all educational and economic levels. That apparently has not changed over the intervening 51 years. A 2023 survey by Pew Research found that blacks get their news today primarily from television and social media, and they don’t trust white reporting on black matters.

As an observer, which is all I qualify to be, I see these biases preventing many black families from fully assimilating into the American economy. This is a roadblock to not only upward mobility for so many in the community, but for meaningful participation in a multicultural and pluralistic society. African Americans have been significant contributors to American life with music, art, fashion, and athletics, but not economically or professionally in significant numbers. Hopefully, change is underway. As we know, many more underrepresented minorities are now attending college.

An online non-profit newspaper, The Current, serving our 100 miles of coast, is making inroads. Editors recently announced that one third of a growing readership is black. In spite of my amateur analysis one thing I do know, however, these readers black and white, are not a representative cross section of the Georgia coast. There is still a long, long way to go.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024



This past weekend our family drove the three hours to the impressive main campus of Mercer University in Macon for our granddaughter’s graduation from medical school. Mercer Medical School was originally founded to train physicians in family medicine, with the intent to return to practice in their rural communities. It has since morphed to prepare new physicians to practice all primary care specialties, but retains those rural roots, and that was much in evidence at commencement.

As the awarding of diplomas was about to begin the president of the university, as master of ceremonies, politely requested the audience to refrain from applause or cheering until the end of the procession of candidates, so that each name could be clearly heard. Fine, no problem, and our nine in attendance so complied. But not everyone. The Black families, or clans, splendidly dressed for the occasion in indescribable fashion, could not hold back. So as each family member crossed the stage and received his or her diploma, their crowd whooped it up in pride and defiance. They were not alone. Some of the obviously rural families, not quite so dazzlingly attired, made common cause.

It would be smug of us to look down on this breach of protocol, maybe even normal, but there is a flip side to be considered. In four generations of our blended family, we can now count three physicians, two lawyers, plus one in training, as well as a host of advanced degrees. And many of these professional degrees were earned at elite temples of learning such as Harvard, MIT, Duke, Emory, and Johns Hopkins.  For the perpetrators, that young doctor may well be the first in a family to attend college, let alone medical school. And, if they are returning to their roots, they are not expecting to make a boatload of money.  They are there to serve patients with little to no means, or Medicaid. So let them celebrate.

That said we are immensely proud of our own. The doctor doesn’t care about how much she makes as long as she can cover her nut. The lawyer-to-be will be the first to stand in line to provide pro-bono legal advocacy for a distressed family, and the journalist will be unafraid to root out corruption, and speak truth - and fact - to power.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Bookshop in Atlanta


You may not remember the incident of Bill Kovach, editor of the “Atlanta Journal-Constitution” in the late 1980s. During his short tenure from 1986 through 1988 he raised the visibility, coverage, and stature of the newspaper. One of its new staff took home a Pulitzer, the first in 20 years for the newspaper. And then he resigned over irreconcilable differences with management. Kovach was emulating the ‘New York Times’, management wanted a redesign like ‘USA Today’, and old heads grumbled that his vision was leaving Atlanta behind. Worse, aggressive journalists were reporting negative stories on hallowed local corporate institutions. But the rest of the business community at least loved it.

At the news of his resignation, on November 5, 1988, about 300 people, among them luminaries, staged a New Orleans-style wake down Marietta Street in protest, complete with band. Central to the protesters were the highly successful author Pat Conroy and Michael Lomax, an English professor at Morehouse, and Emory, and a candidate for mayor of Atlanta.

I felt a kinship to both these men. They, like me and so many others, were wheel spokes in the hub of Cliff Graubart’s bookshop on Juniper Street. I met Michael there on a couple of occasions, although I would not consider myself an acquaintance, only an admirer. Conroy I never met, but he was a constant there, and besides, he enrolled at The Citadel the year after me. Given my own stature, I can identify with men under 5’10” who played basketball in college. Through Cliff I have two signed first editions of his books.

To Conroy his dislike of the good-ole-boy AJC was personified by the late Lewis Grizzard, redneck funny man and sportswriter, who revered the Old South at a time when Atlanta was emerging as the shining example of the New South. The erudite Lomax ran for mayor twice, but was defeated both times. Although he had the whole-hearted support of the Atlanta white community, Black people considered him an Oreo – black on the outside, white on the inside. Otherwise, his string of personal and academic achievements is exemplary, and today he has been president of the United Negro College Fund for over 20 years. Both men along with Lillian Lewis, wife of Congressman John Lewis, and others, both speakers and marchers, wanted the luster to be restored to the newspaper of Henry Grady and Ralph McGill.

The Old New York Book Shop is still in existence, although it has morphed from the creaky house on Juniper Street to a rare and antiquarian atmosphere in Sandy Springs. The original was packed with all manner of books lining the walls of so many rooms and perfuming the air with a musty fragrance that booklovers cherish as farmers love the smell of manure in a pasture.

During my years in Atlanta used bookshops came and went, and Cliff was also a victim. When he sold the property on Juniper he told me he made a hell of a lot more money on the house than he ever did selling books. The used trade and the rare book business was crushed by the emergence of the Internet as dealers could finally compare notes on value, and collectors could shop with a smartphone.  But even today the industry survives, because any used bookshop is a physical magnet for readers that cannot be matched by digital technology.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Real Humans Win the Nobel Prize for Literature


I recently watched an old documentary on the life of Saul Bellow (American Masters, PBS Passport). Along with his literary achievements he had five wives, and no telling how many girl friends on the side, nor how many girlfriends on the side eventually became wives. The last one did; she was 43 years his junior and a student of his at the University of Chicago. She now teaches in Boston

Interestingly, many of our twentieth century Nobel laureates in literature did not lead exemplary lives. Booze and women were constant themes for Sinclair Lewis, Eugene O’Neill, Hemingway, and Bellow. Faulkner had his issues with the bottle as well. John Steinbeck had two wives, but not at the same time. Hemingway, while on safari in 1935, got drunk and screwed one of the native women in his entourage. Today we would characterize his behavior as rape. But he wrote about it in his nonfiction Green Hills of Africa as just another day in the bush.

In his fifties he fell in love with a 19-year-old in Italy and wrote a wretched novel about it and death, Across the River and into the Trees. In fairness, taking a more analytical approach, academics liked the book. Nevertheless, you should read Hemingway’s A Movable Feast, about life in Paris in the nineteen-twenties among the ‘lost generation’ of American writers. (That term was originated by Gertrude Stein if memory serves me.) Supposedly “Feast” is non-fiction. Supposedly. I guess too often human weakness is a price for creative gifts. At the risk of sounding like only horny drunk men qualify for the Nobel, I should also say that Pearl Buck and Toni Morrison had their evenings in Stockholm, as did the poet Louise Gluck in 2020. Enough.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Majoring in the Liberal Arts


Last December the New York Times posted its best op-eds of 2023 in “The Morning”. One caught my eye, by Pamela Paul, “How to Get Kids to Hate English” (March 9, 2023). What really rang my bell was her defense of English and history majors, which are losing ground to STEM – training kids for jobs as opposed to educating them. I can’t argue that the job market isn’t different from what it was when I graduated college, nor can I argue that tech jobs are not a critical part of our economy.  But what a dreary, gray, and distrustful world it would be without literature, music, and art, not to mention journalism written by humans (instead of AI), and history to learn from, and live by.

 I remember very little from my less than distinguished undergraduate years; a little psychology, maybe a bit of chemistry, but I do remember being assigned A Farewell to Arms and J.D. Salinger’s For Esme with Love and Squalor. One classroom experience led me to read and collect most of Hemingway’s and Salinger’s works. I have seared into my memory the surprise of Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird, and dozens of other characters in dozens of other books spawned by an early love of reading. I was a lucky kid; we didn’t have TV or social media.

 Who doesn’t remember music from their youth, or the first skeptical time you saw a live symphony perform, or being awestruck at the Met, or standing in front of Picasso’s Guernica in Madrid, or even Rodin’s “The Thinker” at the High in Atlanta? Are systems analysts, important as they are, going to give you those kinds of life experiences? They stick with you, long after you have forgotten calculus and linear programming.          

 Over time we can get all this on our own, but being exposed first will light the fire. Isn’t that what college is about? My granddaughter is set to spend 3 weeks in Rome, between her sophomore and junior years at Emory, with her classmates under the tutelage of a professor of art history studying the art, architecture, and history of this ancient city. Education and memories for a lifetime. Go for it.

 It seems this emphasis on tech training is ignoring the need for not just educating young people, but also threatening graduate and professional programs for which high achieving and hungry liberal arts graduates are eminently qualified. I am sure most of this threat applies to political pressure on state supported public institutions competing for job growth, but it can be existential to smaller private liberal arts colleges. However, Ms. Paul specifically referenced Columbia University, and by definition a university comprises all academic disciplines. I hope we will hear and read many more national voices in opposition to siphoning scarce dollars from a real college education.    

Friday, April 26, 2024

Reading World War II

 I’ll bet everyone who has an interest in WWII has their own reading list.  Me too. But I am deliberately not a big collector of this genre. I have about 85 books on the major events, the journalism, memoirs, and also novels in which the war plays a pivotal role.

My primary interest though, is how Britain withstood the onslaught of Hitler’s attacks, and in particular how England, Churchill, and the English people stood up.  I mean Stood Up, when the odds were so stacked against them that Roosevelt initially dragged his feet on aid, fully expecting the Brits to collapse by the end of 1940. However, it isn’t really possible to read about WWII without considering the ultimately massive, U.S. contribution.

This essay is on a small handful of books primarily about the European theater, but with one significant exception, Hiroshima (1940), by John Hersey. This slim book is considered by some the best piece of journalism of the 20th Century. It views the immediate aftermath of the bomb from the perspective of several of the city’s surviving residents.  Sticking with journalists, and turning to Europe, William Shirer’s Berlin Diary is an inside look at Hitler and Germany between 1939-1941. When Shirer learned he was being watched, he left Berlin, with his hidden notes safely undiscovered by the Gestapo. Among the hundreds of correspondents covering the war, Ernie Pyle is unforgettable for his columns from the trenches written in a style for everyman, Ernie’s War – The Best of Ernie Pyle’s WWII Dispatches (1986), edited by David Nichols. After spending most of the war on or near the front lines of Europe he opted to go to the Pacific and cover that conflict. It did not go well. During a battle for Okinawa in 1945 he raised his head to look around. His loss caused shock and mourning among his followers at home.  

Surely a standout book of history about the beginning of the war, Britain’s early struggles and Winston Churchill is the third volume of William Manchester’s magnificent biography of Churchill, The Last Lion: Defender of the Realm. (2012) by William Manchester and Paul Reid.  I have never read a 1,000-page book where I didn’t want it to end. I think it is time to read it again.  Hitler’s planned invasion of England was profiled in Operation Sea Lion (2014) by Leo McKinstry. But the real value of this book is the fascinating home-brewed barriers the English people prepared for the invasion which never happened, replete with planning fire on the ocean as the Nazis approached the shores of England across the Channel.

As early as 1940, even while England’s very existence was threatened, the government suggested its citizens keep a diary of their experiences during the war. One in particular rises to the top, Nella Last’s War (1981), edited by Broad and Fleming. A humble housewife tells her experience living in Barrow-in-Furness, near a shipyard, of blasted windows, shortages of food, fear for her family, making do with little, and vain attempts to live a near-normal life. Of course, the most famous personal diary needs no introduction, that of Anne Frank, reprinted who knows how many times and read even by school children, Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl.

As for the United States contribution I can think of nothing better than Rick Atkinson’s Liberation Trilogy, An Army at Dawn (2003), The Day of Battle (2007), and The Guns at Last Light (2013). From the first landing on the shores of North Africa with an army so green soldiers are literally pissing in their pants in fear, through the bloody battles of Sicily and Italy, to the D-Day invasion and ultimately the collapse of the Nazi regime, they are masterfully written.

There are many others worth your time. So, to finish, I will mention five more good reads as the events occurred chronologically:

-  Miracle of Dunkirk (1982), Walter Lord. The story of an incredible escape of 300,000 British, French, and Belgian soldiers.

 Battle of the Atlantic (2016), Johnathan Dimbleby. Hitler’s attempts to sink American aid with his submarine wolfpacks and starve England.

-  The Longest Day (1959), Cornelius Ryan. The D-Day Invasion, a classic.

-  A Bridge too Far (1974), Cornelius Ryan. The thoroughly botched attack on Arnhem, Holland planned by Field Marshall Montgomery, and resisted by Eisenhower.

-  Dresden, February 13, 1945 (2004), Frederick Taylor. The incredible destruction of a beautiful city by allied bombing.  The value of those day and night raids is still debated today.

Monday, April 22, 2024



“HALHUL, West Bank — Kalila was 14 years old when she married her 32-year-old second cousin. She was also 14 when she became pregnant. Neither her marriage nor her pregnancy were her decision; ashamed and embarrassed, as well as afraid of giving birth, she decided to get an abortion. It was a harrowing decision, and one she told no one about. At five months pregnant, Kalila — whose name has been changed — climbed atop a 9-foot stone wall in this Palestinian city and tossed herself off of it, belly first.” 1

Kalila survived, the fetus did not. At the time this article was published, she was 40-years old with six children. “With her achy joints and wrinkled face…she looks more like 60.” Abortions are illegal under Palestinian law, contraceptives are not.2

I hope it will serve a purpose for me to illustrate some facts I dug up about the Palestinian territories. I will compare Gaza and the West Bank separately where I can. I apologize for the teacher-thing; it’s a genetic defect.

Almost every evening TV news brings more death and destruction in Gaza to our family rooms, but what often gets my attention is the number of young men and boys crowded around pancaked Hamas hideouts, gawking at the damage. No doubt some of them are Hamas fighters, or soon will be. A February 2, 2000, article in the New York Times claimed the “high fertility rate of seven children per woman (Gaza) is comparable to Somalia’s or Uganda’s”.  But the survival rate is high, and adults lead a reasonably long life. A Palestinian paper, published in the well-respected English medical journal, The Lancet, found most women employ contraceptives, but don’t really know how to use them. The consequence of this is a population with more than 50% under the age of 20. Depending upon the source, fertility rates vary all over the lot, from 8.12 in 2000, to 4.06 today, with Gaza currently at 4.5 and the West Bank at 3.6. Several U.S. organizations have weighed in on this subject, including previously published data aggregated by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. I remain suspect of the truth of this trend in just over 20 years.3,4

 Before this war the life expectancy of a 20-year-old, according to our own National Institutes of Health figures from 2010, was age 73. That is no great shakes; Gaza ranks #121 in the world by this measure. However, if a person can escape chronic disease – not to mention war, he or she can live well into their 80s. A slowly rising rate in life expectancy in Gaza has experienced significant dips during wars with Israel.  After this one, unfortunately, it’s likely to bottom out.

 In Gaza, as of 2022, less than one in five people of working age were in the labor force, and the unemployment rate was 45.3%. Compare that to the West Bank: the unemployment rate was 13.1%.5 If that is not enough to get your attention, in Israel for 2022, the unemployment rate was 3.8%,6 A factoid, UNRWA is the second largest employer in Gaza with more than 13,000 Palestinian employees in Gaza.7 It is compelling to compare that figure to reports that Israel was working toward allowing 20,000 Palestinians from both Gaza and the West Bank into Israel for work before October 7.

Over 96% of Palestinians are literate as of 2020, and 20% of the combined population have a college degree. Enrollment in tertiary education (universities, colleges of education or technical schools) in 2020 was 45%.8 The education figures represent Gaza and the West Bank together. These percentages are among the highest in the world. Finally, there is a staggering disparity in economic output. Palestinians with a population of 5.88 million produced a GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2021 was estimated at $US27.8 billion.9 Israel, a country of 9.6 million, recorded GDP of $US488 billion.10

Unemployment and restricted movement obviously help explain how radicalization takes hold among young men. However, putting the politics of the region aside, it is bewildering how Israel was able to make an arid land bloom and create a modern economy when a population next door, with remarkable literacy and education rates, is still mired in disarray and poverty, under the thumb of terrorists. Why? It can be summarized in one phrase: lack of good governance, manufacturing, and service sector investment in their economy. (Of course, the siege of Gaza is to prevent the flow of material to be stolen by Hamas.) Then it becomes a web of interrelated reasons, all of which point back to the ‘why’: a fragile, feckless Palestinian Authority.

Palestinians have been receiving humanitarian aid every year since 1948. However, for the period 1994 – 2020 they received $40 billion, mostly from the U.S. the EU, UNRWA, and a host of other acronyms, as well as Japan, Canada, and individual Western European countries.11 The White House even announced a $100 million aid package to Gaza on October 18, 2023.12 Not once did I find a penny directly contributed by Russia, or China.

 Class dismissed.

 If you are interested, here is a short sketch of the recent history of the region.



1 Foreign Policy from December 4, 2015.

2 Shahawy, S. in Health and Human Rights Journal, December 2019, appearing in National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

3 Pell, Stephanie, Global Public Health November 2017, appearing in National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

4 CIA World Factbook

5 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IRBD) –       World Bank

6 Central Bureau of Statistics Israel

7 United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)

8 World Bank

9 CIA World Fact Book

10 World Bank

11 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

12 United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Of Old Books and Dead Authors


Charing Cross Road in London is famous as the street of booksellers. It is also celebrated in the title of Helene Hampf’s wonderful little book, 84 Charing Cross Road. I bought John LeCarré’s A Perfect Spy on its first day of issue in a store there. Keepers among this writer’s novels are The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, the Smiley trilogy, and that one. LeCarré’s early spy novels are usually free of violence and gratuitous sex scenes. I think Hemingway did the most tasteful job describing sex between his protagonist, Robert Jordan, and Pilar’s daughter, Maria, in For Whom the Bell Tolls, with the simple phrase ‘he feels the earth move out and away from under them’. Let me add that was probably Hemingway’s most elegant description of the subject among many.

On the subject of American authors, I have recently been reading East of Eden. I’m about halfway through, about 300 pages. I will grind on through the book in time, but for now I have laid it down. I don’t care for Steinbeck’s style in this book, and many of his metaphors are clunky. None of his books have a ‘happily ever after’ ending, and I don’t expect this one to. For example: Rose of Sharon Joad nurses the starving boy at her breast in a barn in the pouring rain to end The Grapes of Wrath. George has to shoot Lennie in the head so he will not be arrested for accidently killing Curly in Of Mice and Men.  Kino throws his precious find back into the ocean in The Pearl, and in The Winter of our Discontent, Ethan takes razorblades on his walk, following his betrayal of a friend and his own principles. Morality and poverty are common themes for Steinbeck.

Instead, I picked up Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying. I have had a paperback of this classic for probably 50 years and never read it. I am grateful to have been born in an era without TV or, God forbid, social media.  Reading became a natural part of my life from the earliest book I remember, Johnny’s Machines.  I read avidly until I reached puberty, and then I finally rediscovered them in college. When I was about 12, we were assigned to read The Green Pastures, a parody of Heaven’s characters in the Black dialect. (Imagine that in today’s middle schools!) It was written for the stage by Marc Connelly in 1930. I came across a copy in the Strand Bookstore in 1984 for $5.00. I still have it, of course.

I marvel at the ability of some authors to write in the vernacular, whether it is Mark Twain, in Huckleberry Finn, William Faulkner in his Mississippi novels, James Baldwin in Go Tell it on the Mountain, or Joel Chandler Harris’s Uncle Remus. They are all classics; they have stood tall over many decades, they are still read, and they will NOT be banned for presenting America as it once was. And if you care, Johnny’s Machines (1949) is still available.